Become A Sponsor

Become A Sponsor

Become an As One Marriage Conference Sponsor and not only help As One Ministry accomplish our missions, but you could also save a marriage by providing a financial resource for a couple in need.

Please find the attached Sponsorship Levels below with the corresponding incentives and the online form to sign up and become a Sponsor. Regardless of the amount, you should rejoice in knowing you have helped preserve the vital institution of marriage and have contributed to amazing success stories achieved through the conference.

As One Ministry Marriage Conference Sponsorship Levels









Sponsor recognition on the website with company logo and link. X X X X
Visibility on the Conference webpage. X X X X
Your company logo on printed marketing materials. X X X X
Recognition of your company at the conference. X X X X
Your company’s marketing materials in a goody bag (brochures, product samples, giveaways, etc.) X X X X
Prominent display of your company logo at the conference. X X X X
Promotional Ad in the conference program (Bronze-Quarter Page; Silver-Half Page; Gold & Platinum-Full Page) X X X X
Website Promotion on the home page as “highlighted sponsor” for two weeks. X X X
Exhibitor Booth includes 1 six-foot table, 2 chairs, and table-top display. X X
Speaking time to address conference attendees (5 minutes). X
One “Conference Only” Registration – keep or donate (hotel stay not included). X


Take-A-Break Sponsor $800

  • Recognition on conference website with company logo/link
  • Custom sponsor signage displayed next to break stations during morning or afternoon breaks
  • Sponsor acknowledgment on sponsor signage & event marketing
  • Half-page ad in the event program.


Sponsor Levels