As One Ministry is on assignment by God to provide an opportunity for married couples to be taught God’s instructions for marriage and encourage them to commit to the marriage covenant they made with each other and God, with the goal to Empower, Nurture, and Strengthen their marriage.
Because marriage is a sacred covenant ordained by God not to be broken, we have purposed to stand in the gap for marriages by praying; providing tools through meetings, workshops, literature, media and annual conferences; and offering spiritual, biblical support to help rebuild the broken marriage and strengthen the solid marriage. We believe if couples apply the Word of God to their marriage, they can have the marriage they desire and truly walk AS ONE.
Married Believers in Christ – to remind/inform them of the God’s plan for their marriage and His call for them to model His love and relationship with His church; Married Non-Believers – to introduce them to Christ and teach them of God’s design for marriage; The Newly Married Couples – to provide mentors to help guide them through their marriage; and Engaged and Seriously Dating Couples – to provide guidance during engagement and prepare them for their new role as husband and wife and a marriage designed by of God.