The team is constantly growing and we welcome new couples ideas and views. The ministry's administration team currently consist of Kyle and Tranette Sanders (Leaders), Gene and Monique Austin, Richard and Monica Wright, Carl and Sharon Judie, Eddie and Lisa Lopez, Otis and Adriane McIntrye. We are currently headquartered in Cypress, California.

Kyle and Tranette Sanders have been married 17 years. They have three wonderful sons of God, Joshua, Jacob, and Joseph. Their home church is The Bridge in Buena Park, California. Kyle serves as a part of the Worship Team ana Tranette serves over First Impression (greeters) . Together they serve in the Marriage Ministry and lead several Life Groups They in the are passionate about marriage ministry and serve united also through As One Ministry.

Current Team Members:
Dan & Lisa Aguirre
Kyle & Tranette Sanders
Richard & Monica Wright
Gene & Monique Austin
John & Christine Lister
Charles & Gabriella Bias
Otis & Adriane McIntyre
Carl & Sharon Judie
Past Team Members:
Vernon and Bobbi Williams
John and Christine Lister
Charles and Gabriella Bias
Eddie and Lisa Lopez
Geoffrey and Krisana Vodegel